(Not so) Brief Note: I just now discovered how to use full-sized images with Flock, so now the pictures are nice and big!
If I have some free time I might go back and redo previous posts with enlarged pics but I'm not sure.
Also, the pictures might be a little too big; I can size down my screen caps if so. Comment and let me know!
If I have some free time I might go back and redo previous posts with enlarged pics but I'm not sure.
Also, the pictures might be a little too big; I can size down my screen caps if so. Comment and let me know!

Patrick: -gag- What's that smell?!?
Erm, your passed out dirty infant daughter? Have you no sympathy?
Patrick: All I know is that she's in the way of my easel!
Will the neglect ever end? -tragedy-

Patrick: LEAVES!!!
Yes, Mr. Mayor, leaves! Don't you have any mayoral decrees to write or something?
Patrick: Ha ha no, I wanna play in the leaves!
Oh dear. The Mayor of Challengeville is an immature moron. Lovely.

Not sure why he's coming out of the junker but Darrel made...
MAD SCIENTIST!!! Gooo him :D
Having a Perma-Plat Servo will be nice, huh?
Darrel: No opinion output. House too illogical. Running detachment and indifference scripts.

Noooo! Hail on the new garden! -curses Sim weather gods-

Agin' on up for Martha!
All alone agai- wait. What's that? Patrick's leg?!? SHE'S NOT ALONE!!!

Spitting image of Patrick, awful outfit though.

Hail does silly things graphics-wise.

Go team garden! Teamwork = less pay for Gardener, too!

Teamwork and cheapness = Silver Gardening Badge.

Steps to making the Headmaster love you:
1: Feed him fancy sparkling Rainbow Trout and
2: Clench your teeth and smile when he flings it about the room.
You're golden!

Time for Allyn to age up! Geez, I'm so super pokey with this challenge, she should be dead already...
Allyn: I don't wanna get old! I'll become useless, just like... Well just like that Nanny reading our paper!
Trust me, you'll never be as useless as that old thing.

Random Customer: Gah! What's wrong with her eyes?!?

Allyn: Oh! I'm old! And my seeing's completely gone!
Open your eyes, perhaps? That could help...
Allyn: Magnificent!

Hooray for retirement and 425 Simoleans a day for doing nothing!
With that, I leave you for now. Happy Simming!
Lots of fun. What about the rules? Aren't you supposed to kill people off regularly or something.
ReplyDelete"What's wrong with her eyes?!? Demons?" LOL!