Ahh, just what I love to see, a Sim family skilling...
If not together, at least near one another!

Allyn: RAWR!
Sims always look so scary on the punching bag.

Best Friends! In her underwear?

Poor Sophie, I think this is the second time the elevator's broken on her...
Sophie: Eh, you get used to it.

Darrel, I don't think hitting the elevator with a wrench is going to...
Elevator: -whir whiz-
Darrel: -beep- Ha!

Epic showdown!
Who will win? Ugly Townie, or Servo!
Seriously, I never get why Servos are allowed to autonomously water balloon fight. Wouldn't they short circuit or some such?

Having fun with the teleprompter Sophie?
Sophie: Ha ha yup! -BELCH-
The girl's a whale!

The ghost of my simself makes an appearance at last and his hair is... awkward to say the least.
Not sure how well you can see but the treadmill townie looks absolutely enraged by this xD

Alex: BOO!
Darrel: -beep- Ahh! (+8,000 Aspiration Points)

Welcome to the Daisy Chain, Patrick.
See, I told you I'd remember his name! He's a kindly Knowledge Sim who wishes to be a Media Magnate. That's do-able.

Shortly thereafter, Patrick makes the mayoral position!

bUmmPP!!!111!!1! ^_^
(I felt like bad chatspeak. Not sure why)

Patrick: Hmm, I've seen better...
What, the helicopter is not up to your standards?
Patrick: Not quite. It lacks a certain... Something.
Shut up and get in the flying machine.

This very confused-looking old woman seems to have wandered right into the path of the helicopter and seems rather distressed... Oh well!

Ahh, the traditional pregnancy meditation.
Not so traditional for it to be next to her dead husband's grave but... Whatever!

Home businesses make me laugh.
Allyn: Who are all these people? WHERE'S PATRICK?!?
Erm, he's off on mayor duties. These kind people are paying 50 Simoleans an hour to hang out at your house.
That includes the opportunity to witness your pain, -cough- I mean "miracle of birth".

A cute little redhead named Martha!
Oh no. I forgot how my game refuses to produce male children. All ten children may be girls :D

For no apparent reason, everyone is in Formal wear for Sophie to age up!

Pretty nice! She rolled Fortune, with a LTW to become Criminal Mastermind... Fun!

Points for a meditation portrait!

Another reason to love home business. Martha hit 5,000 as an infant. (?)

Aww, she's a perfect little clone of her Daddy! Not a trace of Allyn!
Poor thing, she has really weak genes...
Allyn: Shut up! I'm... Nice. I let the guys have their turn.

Allyn just stepped on her 4-year-old daughter. This has reached an all-time low.
So, on that note of failed parenting, I bid you Happy Simming until next time!
So nice of those sims to pay to watch the birth. :)